For some reason everyone thinks that in order to be successful with social media, you have to have a large fan base. While having a large number of fans may help you sell more products at a faster rate (think volume here), the question you should really be asking yourself is are you engaging with your fans and are you getting closer to reaching your goals for your business.
Think about it. If I run a Facebook Page that has 20,000 fans, but my posts are only being seen by 2,000 people, I have a 10% success rate. On the contrary, if my page has only 500 fans and 250 of them are actively sharing my posts, commenting and engaging, even though I have less fans, I am more successful because I am consistently reaching half of them (50%) and they’re listening to what I have to say.
So rather than making your primary goal to get more fans, turn the tables and work on engaging better with the ones you do have.
Some helpful ways you can do this are:
- Post status updates in-line with what your page is about
- Share photos relevant to your pages content
- Encourage fans to “like” a certain post
- Encourage fans to share your page (give them a link to share it)
- Solicit feedback on something new you are trying – ex: how often you send email newsletters, a change to a website, when you post updates, etc..
In the end, the more you make your fans feel valued, the more they will reward you by sharing your content with their friends – helping your numbers grow at the same time!