Twitter Analytics – Measuring your success on Twitter

Do you track your success on Twitter using Twitter analytics?

While analytics may seem like a scary thing, Twitter has been on a roll lately with the addition of some powerful new tools that can help you grow you presence on Twitter.

These include the ability to schedule tweets on Twitter and Twitter analytics.

Today we’re going to cover Twitter analytics and how you can use it.

Tracking with Twitter Analytics

Twitter Analytics let’s you do more then just see who your followers are or how many times a tweet was retweeted.

You can track the following areas with the Twitter analytics tool.

Timeline activity

The timeline activity section let’s you gather a lot of information about how popular your tweets are.

For example, you can see the number of clicks, favorites, retweets, and replies that a tweet got.

Timeline activity for Twitter analytics
View favorites, retweets, and replies in Twitter analytics.


Besides seeing your timeline activity, you can use the analytics tool to track your followers.

For example, you can see follower growth, location, and the people they follow (so that you can follow them back).

Follower activity in Twitter analytics
Analyze who your followers are following and where your followers are from.

Website activity

The website activity section let’s you track how well the tweet buttons on your website is performing.

After you install the tracking code, you can see timeline activity from your website.

Twitter analytics for websites
Track how the tweet button performs on your website.


Website activity in Twitter analytics
View website activity within the analytics interface.

How to use Twitter Analytics

Continue reading Twitter Analytics – Measuring your success on Twitter

5 Twitter apps for tracking your stats

5 Twitter analytics tools for measuring your tweetsTwitter can be an extremely powerful social network to help your business capture leads and build better online engagement with customers and fans. While it is very easy to learn how to send a tweet, often times, this only produces more noise.  That’s why it is important to track and analyze your tweets on a consistent basis.

The benefit to doing this is that it helps you not only know where you stand regarding who is following you, but you can also see if your account is gaining followers or losing them. Most importantly, by analyzing your tweets on Twitter, you can know which tweets are working and which ones are not.  This way you can tweak your Twitter strategy so that your tweets are not only being seen, but also so that you get retweets, mentions, clicks on your links, and gain new followers.

If you already have a Twitter account or are completely new to Twitter, I suggest trying out these 5 apps for tracking and analyzing your tweets on Twitter.

Continue reading 5 Twitter apps for tracking your stats