3 New Facebook Page Features

It has been quite a busy month for Facebook. Not only did they launched the most-anticipated IPO ever, but Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, got married, and they happened to launch a slew of new features for Facebook Page owners – they’re 3 must-have features too!

Let’s dig into 3 new Facebook Page features that were just released that will help take your Facebook Page to the next level.


3 Facebook Page Features
Promote a post on Facebook Pages
Promote a post on Facebook Pages
Percentage of engaged Facebook Page fans
Percentage of engaged Facebook Page fans
Switch Facebook Page regions
Switch Facebook Page regions

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5 types of status updates to build social engagement

5 status updates to build online engagementThis post doesn’t really apply to one single social network. In fact, you could apply it to Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ (or even one of the other smaller social networks that you’ve joined). We’re talking about status updates.

Just being on the hottest social network doesn’t guarantee that you’ll instantly amass a large following. It also doesn’t matter how many fans, friends or followers you have. No, you need to be engaging. We’re not talking about going around and meeting every single person that you’re connected with (that would take a ridiculous amount of time). Instead, we’re talking about using the basics that all social networks are built around – the status update.

Every social network offers a variation of the status update. For Facebook users, it could be a quote, sharing an event, posting engaging photos, or simply using the questions appTwitter users are a little more confined – 140 characters to be exact, yet the status update is still relevant to share links, break news, or even tweet a photo from your encounter with your favorite celebrity. For Pinterest users, the status update isn’t just the photo that you pin to your pinboards – that’s a good chuck of it. In addition, be sure you include keyword rich descriptions (there’s a nifty search feature as well).

So enough with the examples, right? Take me to the 5 types of status updates that you can post to help build your engagement levels!

Continue reading 5 types of status updates to build social engagement

5 ways to build engagement through photo-sharing

Building Facebook engagement with photosA great way to create compelling content that will build engagement for your brand – whether personal branding or branding for your business, is to utilize photos. If you don’t believe me, just look at Instagram, which was purchased for $1 billion. It is essentially a social network for photo-sharing. Since Facebook now owns Instagram (and who knows what they will do with it), I put together 5 ways that you can build engagement now on Facebook through the simple technique of photo-sharing.

With the help of these 5 ways to build engagement through photo-sharing, not only will you build better brand recognition, but you’ll also have fun doing it!

Continue reading 5 ways to build engagement through photo-sharing

5 reasons why people aren’t following you back on Twitter

When Twitter launched, everyone looked at it as a great way to get people to follow you back and help you grow your audience. Unfortunately, a lot of people failed to realize that it wasn’t a ‘set it and forget it’ social network. Rather, Twitter is a site that requires a little time, some effort and a plan of attack to amass a strong and loyal following.

Here are 5 reasons why people aren’t following you back on Twitter.

Continue reading 5 reasons why people aren’t following you back on Twitter

3 types of questions to ask your Facebook fans

Know your Facebook fansPop quiz: Who are your top fans on your Facebook Page? For most Facebook Page owners, you probably don’t know this valuable information…but you should.

The bread and butter of any company who is using social media to build engagement with fans and potential customers isn’t the number of fans you have, nor is it the amount of cash you make off it. Rather, it is the relationships you build with your customers.

Why is this important?

Without fans who are engaged, it’s like trying to swim against the current. You’ll eventually get to your destination, but it will take you twice as long (if not longer). One other thing to remember, simply asking a question is not the key to finding out who your top fans are. What it will do is help stir interest.As a Facebook Page owner, you’ll want to pay attention to who responds and make a mental note on people you see responding on a recurring basis – these are the fans you want to  focus in on and learn about, because they seem the most likely engaged fans because they’re responding often.

Below are three types of questions you can ask your fans starting today to help you learn more about them and to help you better engage with them.

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8 simple and effective Facebook Page status updates you can start using today!

8 types of effective Facebook Page status updatesThe best way to engage your Facebook fans is by posting status updates (duh!). What most people fail to realize is that it isn’t just about posting status updates (and lots of them). Instead, you need to take a step back and create more meaningful updates that will enchant and intrigue your fans to where they want to comment, like or share your status updates with others.

Sounds a lot easier said than done, doesn’t it? In addition to focusing on the quality of your status updates, you also need to be aware of Facebook’s algorithm called Edgerank.  Edgerank is an assigned score that determines your placement in someone else’s Facebook Newsfeed.

Edgerank scores focus on three main variables; popularity (how many likes, comments or shares a post gets), fan interest/relevance (how often do fans interact with your page – if at all) and recency (when your status update was posted). Each of these criteria are combined to then determine a Facebook Edgerank score, which pushes your content up someones News Feed.

So how do I get more comments, likes and shares to improve my Facebook Edgerank?

It is important to realize that it isn’t about the sheer quantity of updates, rather it is about the interactions and buzz generated from those updates.  I certainly recognize that coming up with status updates and ideas to post on a regular basis can be challenging.  That’s why I have put together a list of status updates that you can start using today to improve the levels of engagement with fans which can increase comments, likes and shares your updates receive.

Note: before writing any status updates, remember the golden rule of marketing – “know your customers.” Modify your status updates with the below recommendations so that they are unique to your Facebook Page and your customers.

8 simple and effective status updates you can use on Facebook Pages to generate better engagement with fans:

Continue reading 8 simple and effective Facebook Page status updates you can start using today!

How to Embed A Tweet From Twitter In Seconds!

In early December, Twitter added a new feature for all Twitter users – the ability to embed tweets into websites or blogs. Emdedding a tweet into your website or blog is a feature that I’m really excited about – because now it takes all of the GREAT tweets you’ve possibly missed and gives users the ability to share them with the world outside of Twitter.

What this means for website owners are more opportunities to be social – and spread other users content that you found interesting. Along the way, this means better chances for building online engagement – you can also expect to pick-up a few new followers as well!

Key points about embedded tweets:

  • You can reply, retweet and favorite directly from an embedded tweet
  • You can follow a user from an embedded tweet – no extra clicks off to Twitter
  • If you’ve embedded a video, they play directly in the embedded tweet

Here’s how you can embed a tweet into your website or blog.

How to embed a tweet

Continue reading How to Embed A Tweet From Twitter In Seconds!