How Google works? [Infographic]

How Google works

If you’ve ever been curious about how Google works, then we have the answer (well, part of it).

In fact, it’s actually very fascinating if you really think about it. Most people assume that Google just consults a database when you enter a Google search. We wish it were that simple to determine what content to show to users after they perform a Google search.

Instead, they sort it, rank it, run it through more filters, compare it against different policies that are in place, run it through some more filters and finally end up bringing that content back when you perform a keyword search on Google. Sounds like a lot of steps doesn’t it? I’m sure there are a lot more in fact.

If you want an abbreviated version on how Google works, here’s the short version.

How Google works (short version)

  1. Create really good content
  2. Build your website so that Google can understand how it is structured / mapped out
  3. Tell people about your content

How Google works (long version) – the infographic Continue reading How Google works? [Infographic]

How to use dictation in Mountain Lion

One of my favorite new features in OS X Mountain Lion isn’t reminders or Messages – they’re pretty awesome in their own right. Instead, I’ve been using the dictation and speech tool.

If you’re not familiar with this feature, what it does is it lets mac users speak to their mac – when composing emails, performing a Google search, writing a Microsoft Word document, sending and posting a status update in Facebook – among other applications.

To help you use dication in Mountain Lion, I’ve put together instructions along with a short video walking you through how to use dictation in Mountain Lion.

Continue reading How to use dictation in Mountain Lion

50+ dictation shortcuts in OS X Mountain Lion

Dictation in Mountain LionDictation is an extremely powerful tool in OS X Mountain Lion. Not only can you use it to have your mac type the text that you speak, but it also works extremely well across many third-party apps such as Microsoft Word, Google, and even Facebook.

What this means is that instead of typing a status update on say Facebook, you can have your mac do it for you.

To help you get started using dictation in OS X Mountain Lion, I have compiled a list of 50+ dictation shortcuts in Mountain Lion that you can use to manipulate text, insert symbols, and use just your voice to compose documents, emails, status updates and more in OS X Mountain Lion.

Continue reading 50+ dictation shortcuts in OS X Mountain Lion

What to do when opportunity knocks

Creating opportunityA lot of people think that people are born successful.  For most people, that isn’t true. Most people are not born successful.

Sure, some people are born into a situation; for example, a family business.  Others happen to be in the right place at the right time – often when a business is failing and the owners are ready to throw in the towel.

For the most part though, people are successful for one main reason – they see opportunity where others do not.

Here are a few examples to consider.

Continue reading What to do when opportunity knocks

Bigger business isn’t necessarily better business

For one reason or another, we’re pre-programmed to fear big businesses. As a result, we don’t try, we don’t compete, and we simply just give up. Why is that?

Years ago, being a big business was absolutely required if you wanted to be successful. That’s not the case though anymore. In fact, you don’t need to be Walmart, Google or even to be successful.  Instead, you can be (more) successful as a small business – just look at Instagram.

Continue reading Bigger business isn’t necessarily better business

My current social media tools

For anyone who is serious about building a business and leveraging social media, it isn’t just about being on all of the networks like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest or Google+. Each network offers something of value, along with a distinct set of fans and followers that you need to work with and develop a relationship with.

Social Media Monitoring Tools - Hootsuite

In fact, if you are not careful, social media can consume your entire day – posting updates, constantly checking your accounts for new retweets, mention or likes, or even joining new networks. Eventually, you’ll actually be hurting your business, because you have gotten away from the core of it – building new products, your website, even writing new content for your blog.

So to help you all out, I’m sharing my current social media tools that I use – to help create, monitor, and analyze my social media accounts:

Continue reading My current social media tools

3 things to do before joining a social network

Social Media game planBefore you can do anything – whether it is to join a social network such as Facebook, learn how to use Instagram to capture and share photos with your friends, or even learn to get better at tracking your tweets on Twitter, you must have a goal in mind. Without a goal, it’s pretty difficult to develop a plan of attack to help get you from point A to point B.

For those of you that have made up your mind that you’re going to learn to incorporate social media into your business, here are 3 things you need to do before joining a social network.

Continue reading 3 things to do before joining a social network

10 Google+ links every user should know

Google Plus button

Whether you’re a beginner just getting started with Google+ or you’re a seasoned pro, below are 10 must-have Google+ links that every user should know. This list of Google+ resources is just a small sampling, but some of my favorites.  From creating your first Google+ business page to creating a Google+ hangout, Google+ has a vast number of features to help you build, connect and grow your social network.  Take a moment to check these links out and feel free to suggest new ones as well! While you’re at it, let’s !

  1. Google+ vs Facebook Infographic
  2. Google+ URL Shortener
  3. 30 tips to enhance your Google+ experience
  4. Create your first Google+ business page
  5. Google+ cheat sheet
  6. How to switch between your Google+ profile and your Google+ page
  7. How to add the Google +1 button to your website
  8. Google+ PSD files (download)
  9. How to create a Google+ hangout
  10. Add a Google+ badge to your sidebar


Apple launches iCloud, looks to compete with Amazon and Google

Earlier this week, Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple, unveiled a long-awaited new service — iCloud. Upon initial glance, it seemed more like a revamped version of MobileMe, and it kind of is, except a much more powerful service.

With iCloud, users can seamlessly download any music, apps and books (hopefully there is more to come) that they have purchased through iTunes to any iOS device using simply their Apple ID.  What this means is no more cords, more free-time (no more backing up apps), and the ability to keep all of your iOS devices in sync with just one download.

I’ve been fortunate to try this new service out and it’s iCredible!  On my laptop, I Continue reading Apple launches iCloud, looks to compete with Amazon and Google

Google launches +1, looks to beat Facebook at its own game

This is pretty cool — you should check this out…

No really, that’s what Google is thinking with their new +1 button. While social media sites come and go, one thing is certain, users have gravitated towards consuming content that their friends have liked, tweeted out or said was “cool.” Why is this? Simple.

Better out than in – how many times have you gone to a restaurant because a random stranger you met on the corner said that it was good? Now tell me how many times you have gone to a restaurant that your friends have recommended whether through a Facebook status update, a tweet, an email, etc…exactly!

With the addition of the +1 button, not only will your friends be able to see what you recommend on a given website, but Continue reading Google launches +1, looks to beat Facebook at its own game