15 GREAT social media quotes

Left quotation markAs many of you know, I’m extremely passionate about social media and helping show others how powerful a tool that it can be to build and help grow any project. One key thing to remember is that just because someone else is already wildly successful in your field, you shouldn’t let it stop you. Instead, you should use it to motivate you, not to be good, but to be GREAT at what you do.

Below is a list of my 15 favorite quotes about social media. Remember, quotes can educate, provoke thought, and inspire others to do GREAT things. Feel free to share them, quote them, or add your own (in the comments section below). Enjoy!

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8 simple and effective Facebook Page status updates you can start using today!

8 types of effective Facebook Page status updatesThe best way to engage your Facebook fans is by posting status updates (duh!). What most people fail to realize is that it isn’t just about posting status updates (and lots of them). Instead, you need to take a step back and create more meaningful updates that will enchant and intrigue your fans to where they want to comment, like or share your status updates with others.

Sounds a lot easier said than done, doesn’t it? In addition to focusing on the quality of your status updates, you also need to be aware of Facebook’s algorithm called Edgerank.  Edgerank is an assigned score that determines your placement in someone else’s Facebook Newsfeed.

Edgerank scores focus on three main variables; popularity (how many likes, comments or shares a post gets), fan interest/relevance (how often do fans interact with your page – if at all) and recency (when your status update was posted). Each of these criteria are combined to then determine a Facebook Edgerank score, which pushes your content up someones News Feed.

So how do I get more comments, likes and shares to improve my Facebook Edgerank?

It is important to realize that it isn’t about the sheer quantity of updates, rather it is about the interactions and buzz generated from those updates.  I certainly recognize that coming up with status updates and ideas to post on a regular basis can be challenging.  That’s why I have put together a list of status updates that you can start using today to improve the levels of engagement with fans which can increase comments, likes and shares your updates receive.

Note: before writing any status updates, remember the golden rule of marketing – “know your customers.” Modify your status updates with the below recommendations so that they are unique to your Facebook Page and your customers.

8 simple and effective status updates you can use on Facebook Pages to generate better engagement with fans:

Continue reading 8 simple and effective Facebook Page status updates you can start using today!

How to Embed A Tweet From Twitter In Seconds!

In early December, Twitter added a new feature for all Twitter users – the ability to embed tweets into websites or blogs. Emdedding a tweet into your website or blog is a feature that I’m really excited about – because now it takes all of the GREAT tweets you’ve possibly missed and gives users the ability to share them with the world outside of Twitter.

What this means for website owners are more opportunities to be social – and spread other users content that you found interesting. Along the way, this means better chances for building online engagement – you can also expect to pick-up a few new followers as well!

Key points about embedded tweets:

  • You can reply, retweet and favorite directly from an embedded tweet
  • You can follow a user from an embedded tweet – no extra clicks off to Twitter
  • If you’ve embedded a video, they play directly in the embedded tweet

Here’s how you can embed a tweet into your website or blog.

How to embed a tweet

Continue reading How to Embed A Tweet From Twitter In Seconds!

10 Google+ links every user should know

Google Plus button

Whether you’re a beginner just getting started with Google+ or you’re a seasoned pro, below are 10 must-have Google+ links that every user should know. This list of Google+ resources is just a small sampling, but some of my favorites.  From creating your first Google+ business page to creating a Google+ hangout, Google+ has a vast number of features to help you build, connect and grow your social network.  Take a moment to check these links out and feel free to suggest new ones as well! While you’re at it, let’s !

  1. Google+ vs Facebook Infographic
  2. Google+ URL Shortener
  3. 30 tips to enhance your Google+ experience
  4. Create your first Google+ business page
  5. Google+ cheat sheet
  6. How to switch between your Google+ profile and your Google+ page
  7. How to add the Google +1 button to your website
  8. Google+ PSD files (download)
  9. How to create a Google+ hangout
  10. Add a Google+ badge to your sidebar


4 Twitter apps to help you organize yourself better

Twitter organizationOne of the keys to using Twitter regularly, isn’t just using it – when we do this we tend to send out less signal and more noise that just wastes time.  Instead, the key is to learn how it can work for YOU. Start by asking yourself, what challenges do I face with using Twitter.  Is it not understanding the terminology or how to send a tweet Twitter? Maybe I’m good at sending out tweets, but not so good at replying back to other users that have tweeted me back.  By identifying problem area(s) that you need help with, you can begin getting yourself organized and building a strategy around Twitter for yourself or even your business.

Below are 4 of my favorite apps to help you organize yourself better on Twitter.

Continue reading 4 Twitter apps to help you organize yourself better

Why your Facebook Page does not need Timeline to succeed

Lately, I’ve had a number of people emailing me – asking when will I get Timeline on my Facebook Page. Unfortunately, Facebook Profiles are just now receiving this update – and it usually takes users time to adapt to these new changes, so that means Facebook Pages will need to wait…a while.

McDonald's Timeline for Facebook Pages

But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You see, while Timeline is a great tool for Facebook Profiles — it did help Tim Tebow amass 1.4 million Facebook subscribers, Timeline for Facebook Pages isn’t so compelling – there are a number of reasons why you don’t really need Timeline and here’s the proof.

Continue reading Why your Facebook Page does not need Timeline to succeed

You’re a Celebrity – no really!

Walk-of-fame star in Los Angeles, California

As I was out in Los Angeles the other day, I’ll admit, it was pretty hard not to notice all of the stars’ names on the ground. Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, Kobe Bryant and even the great Thomas Edison. For most people, you probably think that reaching their level is unattainable. One thing that we often forget though is that each and every one of those people started somewhere else. Sure, some people were in the right place at the right time, but that shouldn’t deter you. In fact, you may not realize it, but you’re actually already a celebrity yourself.

Already a celebrity, how can that possibly be?

Have you ever mowed a lawn for your neighbor, fixed a computer glitch for your friend, had someone ask you to teach them something or even had someone seek you out for advice? If you answered yes, you’re Continue reading You’re a Celebrity – no really!

Your best asset for your business

Your biggest asset as a business isn’t the amount of money you have in the bank, the fact that you think you have the best products in the world, or even your snazzy logo. What really matters? Customers. Without them, your business doesn’t exist.

So that’s why the other evening, I was shocked when I called a bookstore (they sell a tablet that rhymes with book) to ask about their price-matching policy.  After a few awkward minutes, instead of receiving an answer to my question, I was directed to purchase some of the products that I wanted from them and to order my other books from another store because it cost less.  Logically, this makes sense, but as a customer wanting to make a purchase, I was left feeling unfulfilled.

Needless to say, I went to one of their competitors and they lost a customer.

At a time when competition has gotten more fierce, it is important to remember that customers come in all different shapes. They’re shoppers, blog readers,and most importantly, influencers, so that’s why it is important to treat them right.  So how can you keep customers around? Below are 5 ways to keep customers coming back for more.

Continue reading Your best asset for your business

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While I would love it, I don’t expect you to visit my blog everyday just to stay up-to-date. To help you out, you can subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed. This way anytime I post fresh content, you receive an email in your Inbox – that you can read at YOUR leisure.

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Subscribe to my blog: I typically publish blog updates three to four times per week.


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