This interview with Wilco de Kreij, Founder of WP4FB, is the second in an interviews of interviews with professionals who are doing amazing things with social media.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview the founder of WP4FB, Wilco de Kreij. I first met Wilco in August when I was researching Facebook Landing Page tools and really thought his product was innovative and especially useful for business owners who use WordPress for their blogging platform and also maintain a Facebook Page.
There is quite an abundance of Facebook Landing Page tools available to users. Most of them are either very expensive or require that you have some knowledge using HTML. This is what I feel helps set WP4FB apart from most Facebook Landing Page tools.
I hope you enjoy this interview with the founder of WP4FB, Wilco de Kreij.
Christian: Can you describe your current product, WP4FB?
Wilco: WP4FB stands for WordPress for Facebook. It is a WordPress plugin to create viral Facebook Apps in your Facebook Page. If you go to any large brands Facebook Page, you’ll see that they have installed Facebook Landing Pages. You can create your own Facebook Landing Pages using WP4FB and it’s just as easy as blogging. What’s great is that it’s customizable. If you are using WordPress, you can tie-in features of WordPress into your Facebook Page using WP4FB.
Christian: Can you walk through two or three types of Facebook Landing Pages someone can create with WP4FB?
Wilco: Some of the types of Facebook Landing Pages you can are a welcome page, which requires fans to “like” a Facebook Page before they can gain access (called like-gating). Some people want to collect email addresses, while others might want a Facebook Landing Page to run group deals similar to Groupon or run sweepstakes.
Christian: What separates your plugin from other services like Shortstack?
Wilco: Of course, the pricing because with WP4FB, you only have to buy it once. Other services like Shortstack require that you continue your subscription. When you cancel your subscription, you lose your Facebook Landing Page Apps. At the same time, they brand the landing pages. With WP4FB, we don’t add our logo to your Facebook Landing Pages. This is great if you use this tool for your clients. One really important aspect are the built-in features. If WP4FB does not have the feature that you want, you can integrate it into your landing page using another WordPress plugin.
Christian: How many fans can my Facebook Page have per installation of WP4FB? Does the price go up if I hit a certain threshold of fans?
Wilco: No, you can have one fan or one million fans. The price for WP4FB stays the same.
Christian: Some people have sites, others have self-hosted WordPress sites. Which one does WP4FB work on? Or does it work on both?
Wilco: It only works on self-hosted WordPress sites. If you want to create Facebook Landing Pages, Facebook requires that you have an SSL certificate. Normally, an SSL certificate can run you $80 – $100 per year, but we have included a free SSL certificate for users who purchase WP4FB.
Christian: If I am a WP4FB 1.0 user, what new features are available for me?
Wilco: That’s a big list. WP4FB adds in sweepstakes, the ability to collect a users verified Facebook email address, shortcodes, a viral comment tool, etc.
Christian: When someone buys WP4FB, how long do they receive updates?
Wilco: Users who purchase WP4FB get a lifetime license to use the software on other sites. When they purchase it, they get one year of upgrades.
Christian: You mentioned a lot of features. If users want to submit new features to you for WP4FB, how do they do this?
Wilco: If users have WP4FB recommendations, they can send them to us through the website.
Christian: What is the pricing for WP4FB?
Wilco: We offer three licenses. A single user license for one Facebook Page is $67. If you have multiple Facebook Pages, you can get an unlimited personal license which let’s you create Facebook Landing Pages on multiple Facebook Pages. The third license is our most popular. This let’s you create Facebook Landing Pages both for your personal Facebook Landing Pages and also for clients. This license is $197. I have seen businesses charge upwards of $500 to $1,500 just to create a Facebook Landing Page. If you create a Facebook Landing Page for a client of yours, you’ll already be making a profit with WP4FB.
Christian: Are there any special discounts for people listening to this podcast?
Wilco: Yes. I’m honored to be on your show so I’m giving away a discount to listeners. To get the discount, make sure you listen to the podcast on iTunes.
Christian: One last question, do you have any additional products that you’re working on?
Wilco: I’m working on some new WordPress plugins. One plugin I am working on is called Viral Optins.
Wilco, thank you for spending a few minutes with us and for telling us more about WP4FB and how it can help Facebook Page owners grow the functionality of their Facebook Page. If you would like to connect with Wilco, be sure to check out his website,
If you would like to learn more about WP4FB, here are the best places to do just that:
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