Can you really sell products over the holidays through social media? This collection of holiday shopping statistics provides a look into how customers like to shop through social media.
Personally, I believe that a lot of users use social media channels to do their holiday shopping.
This collection of holiday shopping statistics can help to give you a better idea on what channels you should consider using to sell products through social media.
Remember, you want to be sure to always ask your audience what they prefer. If you try selling products through one social media channel and you don’t have a strong presence and your customers don’t use the site much, don’t expect strong holiday sales figures.
So where are most users doing their holiday shopping at? Is it Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or another social media channel? Let’s find out.
Here are a few of my favorite holiday shopping statistics.
- 64.8% of shoppers use social media to find the perfect gift
- 44.3% of shoppers discover holiday deals through peer recommendations
- 67% of shoppers purchased a gift they found on social media
- 39.3% of shoppers said Facebook influenced their holiday buying habits
- 67.2% of holiday shoppers prefer to share digital coupons
While holiday shopping statistics suggest that shoppers prefer Facebook, don’t overlook Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest.
Keep reading to learn what other social media channels you should leverage to drive sales over the holidays.
Holiday shopping statistics through social media
Selling products through social media
While a lot of people think that selling products through social media channels doesn’t work. It does, in fact, here are a number of ways how to use Facebook to sell products and services that businesses are using right now.
Have you had success with selling products over the holidays through your social media channels? If so, which one’s have worked the best for you?
Let me know which social media channels you drive the most sales through over the holidays.