Facebook photo privacy settings on photo albums

Changing Facebook photo privacy settings [video]

Facebook photo privacy settings on photo albums

Each time you upload new photos to a photo album, it is important that you have the right Facebook photo privacy settings set to help keep unwanted people from viewing your photos.

For most users though, this is a setting we often forget. This is because we assume that everything posted to Facebook is only available to our friends or because we find Facebook privacy settings difficult to find and change.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. That’s why you need to be sure to set your Facebook photo privacy settings for each photo album.

Why set Facebook photo privacy settings?

When you don’t set the privacy settings on Facebook photo albums, you leave yourself vulnerable. In most cases, your photos are public, meaning anyone who isn’t your friend can view them.

Because of this, I recommend checking your privacy settings for every photo album that you have on your Facebook profile to ensure that you’re not letting unwanted people view  your photos.

So how do you set your Facebook photo privacy settings to keep people you don’t know or people you don’t want to view your photos out? We’ve compiled short video tutorial to help you do this.

How to set Facebook photo privacy settings on albums

This short video tutorial walks you through how to set your Facebook photo privacy settings. We also go over the different types of privacy settings (public, friends, only me, custom) and what each one means.

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  • Facebook cover photos are always set to public
  • If you have a photo that someone else posted, only that person can change the photo privacy settings.
  • High resolution photos or albums that are shared with another user can be downloaded.
  • You can also set the Facebook photo privacy settings for individual photos. Just use the audience selector.

Protecting your Facebook photos

Now that you know how to set the privacy settings on your Facebook photos, take a few minutes to double-check your existing photo albums. By taking the time now to check your settings, you reduce the chances that someone you don’t know could be viewing your photos.

Remember, this is how to set Facebook photo privacy settings on a Facebook profile. If you manage a Facebook Page, you’ll have a few less options, but the process remains the same.

Question: How do you prefer to set your Facebook photo privacy settings? Public, Friends, Only me, Custom? Leave your comments below