Twitter protected tweets – why they’re not a good tool for engagement

What are Twitter protected tweets?

Chances are, at some point you’ve come across the following image on Twitter.  What this means is that this Twitter user has turned on Twitter protected tweets.

Twitter protected tweets

In order to be able to view their tweets, you’ll need to request to follow them and have wait for them to accept you. Once they do, you’ll then be able to see their tweets. Sounds complicated doesn’t it? It is.

In fact, whenever I come across someone who uses Twitter protected tweets, I keep moving. That’s because to me, it shows they’re not active, they have something to hide, and they don’t value my time because they’ve made it so difficult to connect with them.

With so many barriers of entry just to see their tweets, why would I want to go through that much work just to follow someone? Sure, if you want to be on Twitter, but have this fear that someone can see your tweets and you don’t want to them to, then Twitter protected tweets are a great tool for you.

For the most part though, Twitter protected tweets, really don’t serve much purpose if you’re serious about using it as a social media tool to build and grow your online presence.  Not only does it make Twitter frustrating to use if your tweets are protected, but there are a lot of other things you need to consider before turning on  Twitter protected tweets as well – things that could stunt your growth on Twitter before you even begin to use it.

What happens when I protect my tweets?

Continue reading Twitter protected tweets – why they’re not a good tool for engagement

50 employers who are hiring on Twitter

With this mornings December jobs report, you could say that job growth is pretty flat. Sure, numbers didn’t look all that bad, but the biggest issue is that people stopped looking for jobs (for whatever reason).

To help you out, I’ve compiled a list of 50 employers who are hiring on Twitter.

50 employers who are hiring on Twitter


Continue reading 50 employers who are hiring on Twitter

Everything I Need to Know About Social Media, I Learned From Football

Blue 42, hut hut, hike.  Who’s ready for some Football? With the NFL Playoffs set, I put together this fun (and handy) infographic to help explain social media in terms of Football.

Continue reading Everything I Need to Know About Social Media, I Learned From Football

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The State of Social Media in 2012

2012 was a HUGE year for social media – especially for mobile.  Twitter revamped their mobile app, Facebook followed suit and overhauled Facebook for iOS (which was sorely needed). Then, not to be outdone, Pinterest launched business pages for Pinterest, which allowed businesses to create their own accounts that didn’t require a complex way to squeeze your business into the first name and last name fields (finally).

Besides mobile, 2012 was also big for investors as well, as Facebook went public – and who can forget about Facebook Timeline, which also launched in 2012 – I know, it’s hard to remember all the way back to January 2012.

So what else happened with social media in 2012? Take a look at this infographic on everything that happened in social media in 2012.

Continue reading The State of Social Media in 2012

How to embed tweetchat in WordPress

For those of you looking to leverage the social networ Twitter, to engage with your followers, one of my favorite tools to use for this is Tweetchat.

If you’re unfamiliar with Tweetchat, what this tool does is it allows you to hold a chat on a specific Twitter hashtag. There’s no need to refresh your screen or sift through multiple hashtags. You simply enter a hashtag and it Tweetchat creates a room where you can tweet and chat with your followers.

Tweetchat features

Here are a few features of Tweetchat

  • Put blinders on to everything else going on on Twitter and focus on one hashtag
  • Feature certain accounts so that they stand out
  • Converse in real-time
  • Have fun!

How I use Tweetchat

Personally, I’m a big fan of Tweetchat. I use it during conferences by broadcasting it to LCD and plasma screens that I have setup. This way, attendees can follow what is being talked about on Twitter while they’re walking around. If they want to participate, all they simply need to do is visit Tweetchat and sign-in to their Twitter account and they can easily add to the conversation from their mobile devices such as their smartphone or tablet and it will show up on Tweetchat.

Another way that I like to use Tweetchat is to embed it into my website. This way someone can easily join the conversation from my website. The great thing about Tweetchat is that if you want to, you can embed tweetchat into your WordPress blog,

Embedding tweetchat into your WordPress blog takes just a few minutes. Here’s how to do it.

Continue reading How to embed tweetchat in WordPress

20 Twitter Terms to know (and bookmark)


Twitter in the dictionaryIf you’re just getting started with Twitter or even if you’ve been using it for a while, sometimes you just need a refresher on Twitter terminology.

I’ve taken the time to compose a list of 20 Twitter terms that you should get to know (and bookmark).

Take a few minutes to read through these 20 Twitter termsand examples of how you use them on Twitter to tweet with your friends and make new ones!

Continue reading 20 Twitter Terms to know (and bookmark)

View and send tweets to iOS contacts

Now that you’ve purchased your first iOS device (iPhone, iPad or iPad Mini) and taken the time to import or add phone numbers and addresses to all of your contacts, one important area you don’t want to overlook is to add in your contacts Twitter username.

Why add a Twitter username to your contacts?

By adding a contacts Twitter username, this allows you the opportunity to easily view tweets from your friend right from your contacts. This also makes it easy to send your contact a tweet right from your contacts screen as well.

How to view and send a tweet to iOS contacts

Continue reading View and send tweets to iOS contacts

8 types of social media zombies and how to avoid them [Infographic]

With Halloween upon us, it’s time for all of the ghouls, goblins and zombies to come out. Unfortunately, while social networks aim to help us grow our network of followers, some of those zombies stick around well past Halloween and can often be seen lurking on many popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

What is a social media zombie?

Social Media zombies can come in many different forms, but one thing is for certain, they constantly exhibit the same pattern behavior on many of today’s popular networks.

Take a look at these 8 types of social media zombies to see if you recognize any of these social media zombies and learn how you can avoid becoming a social media zombie too!

Continue reading 8 types of social media zombies and how to avoid them [Infographic]

[Download] Twitter Infographic

Infographic - Twitter dimensions

Twitter has been really busy the past few weeks – not only did they add Twitter header images to improve the look of your Twitter profile, but they also added a rich iPad experience. So far, I’ve had the opportunity to work with both and I’m excited about the possibilities that they provide users.  Not only do these updates make Twitter even more powerful, but they vastly improve upon the user experience.

What’s great is that now, not only can personalize your Twitter account, but because they have revamped the iPad and iPhone experience, your design now carries across each, meaning it’s important to have an updated Twitter header image. In addition, this change will help take the focus off of showing just your tweets and encourage followers to get to know you better.

To help you out, I’ve put together a Twitter Dimensions infographic – complete with all of the new sizes and information you need to know on the new Twitter.

Twitter dimensions

Continue reading [Download] Twitter Infographic

30 Twitter Header Images

A few weeks ago, Twitter unveiled header images. One thing you’ll notice is that Twitter header images are very similar to Facebook’s Timeline – with the exception that you can actually use Twitter header images to advertise different facets of your business.

This is BIG news for businesses who are using Twitter because this now gives businesses another area to show off their brand to followers through their Twitter header image. Twitter header images also present brands with the opportunity to showcase a particular product, an upcoming promotion, a hashtag associated with a brand along with many other creative ways to use Twitter header images.

I have spent time scouring Twitter for examples of Twitter header images and came up with 30 examples of Twitter header images done right:

Continue reading 30 Twitter Header Images