This interview with Mike Gingerich, co-founder of Tabsite, is the eleventh in an ongoing series of podcasts with individuals and businesses doing amazing things in social media marketing and blogging.
For those of you who haven’t heard of Tabsite, it is a company that provides digital tools for creating Facebook landing pages, Instagram contests, social apps, giveaways, and more.
While there are thousands of examples of Facebook landing pages out there, it can be difficult to know which ones you should choose for your own Facebook landing pages.
On this episode, Mike and I discuss Facebook landing page ideas along with suggestions on the types of Facebook landing page tabs you want to include on your Facebook Page.
Facebook landing page ideas – Testimonials and reviews.
This interview with Stan Smith, founder of Pushing Social, is the tenth in an ongoing series of podcasts with individuals doing amazing things in social media marketing and blogging.
When I was out in San Diego at Social Media Marketing World, Stan and I sat down to talk about content marketing. Specifically, what is content marketing and what are some of the ways you can leverage it to grow your business.
This interview with Emeric Ernoult, owner of Agorapulse, a Facebook community management tool, is the ninth in an ongoing series of podcasts with individuals doing great things in social media marketing.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview Emeric Ernoult from Agorapulse on today’s podcast.
For those of you who are not familiar with Emeric’s work, he created a social media tool called Agorapulsejust for helping you better manage Facebook Pages.
Real Facebook community management with Agorapulse
While there are lots of tools on the market that let you manage multiple social networks at one time, Emeric chose to focus on Facebook Page management because it was an area he felt could be improved upon (significantly).
Here are some of the major businesses that use Agorapulse.
Just to prepare you, this week’s podcast with Emeric Ernoult clocks in at nearly 50 minutes. If you want to take it with you, it’s also available as a download as well.
Here is a breadown on the topics that Emeric and I talk about on the show.
The good, the bad, and the ugly about Facebook Page management
This interview with Ryan Hanley, owner of Content Warfare, is the eighth in an ongoing series of podcasts with individuals doing great things in online marketing.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview Ryan Hanley from Content Warfare on today’s podcast.
For those of you who don’t know Ryan, he is a content marketer who LOVES Google Plus (a lot), and wants to see you succeed in a competitive online space.
In this week’s podcast, we talk a lot (nearly 50 minutes) about different techniques to help you consume, curate, and create awesome content for your business, why you need to stop ignoring Google Plus, and Ryan shares valuable tips and a few tips and tricks to implement on Google Plus to help boost engagement and more. Below is a breadown on the topics that Ryan and I cover on today’s show.
This interview with Hugh Briss, owner of Social Identities, is the seventh in an ongoing series of interviews with professionals who are doing amazing things with social media.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview Hugh Briss, from Social Identities on today’s podcast.
For those of you who don’t know Hugh, he’s a graphic designer who specializes in social media – so he knows a thing or two about what images work best on your social media channels and how to optimize them so that they also look great in the news feed.
In this podcast, we talk branding, Facebook quirks, and Hugh shares a valuable tip for Facebook Page owners that can help you get your content seen more in news feed that you won’t want to miss.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview Phyllis Khare. Phyllis is an educator, author and former musician who offers great advice about Internet Marketing.
This interview with Nick Nanton, Emmy Award winning Director and celebrity branding agent, is the fifth in an ongoing series of interviews with professionals who are doing amazing things with marketing.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview Nick Nanton.
Nick is an amazing person who is well-respected in the industry and really understands personal branding and how to unlock your potential as a business.
This interview with Andrea Vahl, Community Manager for SocialMediaExaminer, is the fourth in an ongoing series of interviews with professionals who are doing amazing things with social media.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview Andrea Vahl (aka Grandma Mary). Andrea is a tremendous person and has done some amazing things around social media.
If you happen to be one of the 200,000+ email subscribers on SocialMediaExaminer, you’ll be happy to know that Andrea Vahl is the Community Manager for the site, so you’re in great hands.
This interview with Mike Maghsoudi, Co-founder of PostRocket, is the third in an interviews of interviews with professionals who are doing amazing things with social media.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview the co-founder of PostRocket, Mike Maghsoudi. I met Mike Maghsoudi a few months ago when I did a video review of PostRocket and I can’t say enough about his product, PostRocket.
If you have a Facebook Page and you’re not happy with the low amount of engagement – this means very few likes, comments or shares on your content, then you won’t want to miss this interview with Mike where he talks about PostRocket, how it influences your Facebook EdgeRank and he even shares a few valuable tips for Facebook Pages to help you get more of your content seen by others.
This interview with Wilco de Kreij, Founder of WP4FB, is the second in an interviews of interviews with professionals who are doing amazing things with social media.
I am very honored to have the opportunity to interview the founder of WP4FB, Wilco de Kreij. I first met Wilco in August when I was researching Facebook Landing Page tools and really thought his product was innovative and especially useful for business owners who use WordPress for their blogging platform and also maintain a Facebook Page.
There is quite an abundance of Facebook Landing Page tools available to users. Most of them are either very expensive or require that you have some knowledge using HTML. This is what I feel helps set WP4FB apart from most Facebook Landing Page tools.