Do you need to change Facebook Ads currency for your Facebook Ads? It’s not exactly where you expect it to be.
The Problem with changing currencies
For those of you who run Facebook Ads for your own business or for someone else, there may come a time when you need to change the currency. This way you’re not losing money because of exchange rates.
Instead of looking in Facebook Ads Manager, you need to look somewhere else, because Facebook doesn’t let you change your currency there.
It’s somewhat understandable why they didn’t put it in Facebook Ads Manager in the first place.
Chances are you login to your own Facebook Profile to create Facebook Ads. By having it in your profile instead of in your Facebook Ads account, you can quickly switch your Facebook Ads currency in one place for all of the ads accounts you work with.
To change Facebook Ads currency, follow these instructions.
Remember, if you are managing Facebook Ads for other pages, be sure you are managing Facebook Ads the right way. This way they are being billed for their ads instead of you. You can also easily change currencies depending on the ads account you are working with.
How to change Facebook Ads currency for Facebook Ads
Are your holiday sales not where you want them to be? While there are just a few weeks left until Christmas, there’s still plenty of time to increase your sales on your Facebook Page.
We have compiled a collection of 10 ways to increase holidays sales using your Facebook Page.
The great thing is that you can implement these now and see results immediately!
10 Ways to increase holidays sales on Facebook Pages
If you’re not impressed with collection of Facebook stickers you have in Facebook Messenger, you can add Facebook stickers.
What are Facebook stickers?
Facebook stickers are a way to send images from your favorite holidays or television shows to friends through Facebook Messenger.
They are a great way to add personality to your conversations on Facebook.
Besides sending stickers to friends, stickers can also be sent to business associates you are following on Facebook, but I would be careful doing this. Sometimes it can send the wrong message.
To add Facebook stickers, follow these instructions.
Are you missing the boost post button on your Facebook Page posts? This is the button that appears to the right of the number of people who saw your Facebook post.
Example of a Facebook Page post with the boost post button.
While this is a quick and easy way to advertise a specific Facebook Page post to more people, most users think that they absolutely need it. Guess what, you really don’t.
It also works in your favor that you don;t have the boost post button on your page posts.
So why I am so against using the boost post button on your Facebook Page posts?
Why you don’t need the Facebook boost post button
The boost post button is a cheap thrill to get your posts seen by more people.
While in theory this sounds great and if you use it, more people will see your posts, what boost post doesn’t do is get it in front of the right people.
As you can see in this example, a lot of the comments that were received don’t relate to the product. So yes, the boost post button did its job – it took your money and showed it to more people.
What it didn’t do was show it to the right people.
So how do you fix the boost post button? My recommendation is to use Facebook Ads to boost your post instead of the Facebook boost post button.
This way you can get target who see’s your posts and where they see it.
For example, the normal boost post button let’s you target basic demographic information.
Example of targeting with the boost post button.
When you don’t use the boost post button, you actually get better targeting, which you’ll see below.
To boost a Facebook Page post without the boost post button, follow the instructions below.
How to boost a Facebook post without the boost post button
Do you have a dirty mouth on Facebook? If you’re not sure if your content might be considered offensive, you should try Dirtymouth.
What is Dirtymouth?
Dirtymouth is a free social media tool for Facebook users that can analyze status updates and comments on your Facebook Profile and tell you if it considers it to be offensive.
Does it clean-up our status updates? Here’s a review of Dirtymouth on our Facebook Profile. Let’s see if it worked.
While Facebook is a powerful tool that helps us connect and communicate with people across the globe, there is also a dark side to it which can lead to a lot of Facebook misuse.
This misuse happens a lot amongst teenagers and even employees. Even some employers are misusing Facebook.
When this happens, it can give off the wrong impression.
For example, if an employer is not using Facebook correctly, their employees may take this as a sign that it is ok for them to misuse Facebook as well.
This same thing holds true with teenagers.
If they see their friends posting embarrassing photos, they might think that is ok to post them without thinking about the potential repercussions such as being made fun of or some of the more dire consequences, such as having your personal information compromised.
Know what you should and should not share on Facebook
While social networks like Facebook can work great for business and help us to stay connected, you have to be careful about what you share on your Facebook Profile and who you are sharing it with.
If you’re not sure about what you should and should not share on Facebook, I recommend checking out these 10 tips on what not to share on Facebook before you share anything.
If you’re still not convinced that there is a lot of misuse on Facebook, I suggest checking out some of these stats about Facebook misuse along with the full infographic on alarming Facebook misuse stats. They could surprise you.
The only thing worse than having nothing is having nothing when you THINK you have something.
This is how you might end up feeling if you “believe all the hype” about the new Facebook Insights that was just re-released last month.
While it is a legitimate design upgrade and it is substantially better than the previous version in terms of functionality, styling, navigation, speed, etc., which is good and deserves due credit, it is still seriously lacking where it matters most and here’s why: