Are you looking for ways to make your Facebook Page more engaging for fans and to grow your presence on Facebook? One of the ways you can add value to your Facebook Page is by using Shortstack.
For those of you not familiar with Shortstack, it is a powerful third-party Facebook landing page tool that you can use to add all sorts of functionality to your Facebook Page.
Some of the ways that you can use Shortstack are for running contests, displaying your favorite Pinterest boards, and collecting email newsletter subscriptions.
There are just some of the reasons to use Shortstack.
I’ve put together a list of 10 reasons to use Shortstack to help grow your business.
If you share a lot of videos on your Facebook Page, one thing you want to do is to be sure to customize your Facebook video thumbnail images.
Why use a custom image?
When you customize your image, this gives you the opportunity to determine what your fans see in their news feed. Doing this can influence their decision to click on your video.
For example, how many of you would click on a video that had this image in your news feed?
Facebook video without a custom thumbnail.
How about this one instead?
Facebook video with a custom thumbnail.
So how do you go about setting a custom Facebook video thumbnail image? Follow the instructions below.
Do you manage a business that has multiple locations? Keeping all of those Facebook Pages updated can be very time-consuming. Now you can make things much easier with the help of Facebook locations (formerly Parent-child pages).
What are Facebook locations?
Example of a business using Facebook locations.
Facebook describes Facebook locations like this.
Facebook locations are a way to manage pages for all your locations in one place. Each store will be tied to one main Facebook Page.
Anyone who has a store with multiple locations can now tie their Facebook Pages together under one main page.
For those of you who run a business with multiple locations, this is great news. This is because this feature was previously only available to large companies like Starbucks and McDonald’s.
Now, when someone visits your main Facebook Page, they will be able to see that you have other locations as well that they can engage with.
Benefits to using Facebook locations
If you have struggled with managing lots of pages for your business, here are some of the ways Facebook locations can make things easier for you and your customers.
Creates authentic Pages for all of your store locations
Updates all of your Pages with the right information
Helps people find your business on Facebook
Page admins with Content Creator or Manager status will be able to add, edit, or remove locations
This means anyone with multiple pages for their business can provide their location information and take advantage of Facebook locations to help bring them together.
To get started with Facebook locations, follow the instructions below.
How to create Facebook locations for your Facebook Pages
Have you tried to rename your Facebook Page; however, you’re over the 200 fan limit? If you find yourself in this situation, don’t panic or create a new Facebook Page just yet. Instead, here’s a shortcut using the suggest an edit feature on Facebook.
We’re going to walk you through renaming your Facebook Page using the suggest an edit feature, which should help save you time when you need to rename your Facebook Page.
The problem
Once you reached 200 fans on your Facebook Page or you have changed your Facebook Page name one time, you no longer have the ability to rename your Facebook Page.
This isn’t so bad unless you are going through a rebranding or you’ve spelled your business name incorrectly. If you’re in this situation, you are essentially stuck with the name you chose when you launched your Facebook Page.
Fortunately, you can fix this issue and rename your Facebook Page with the help of suggest an edit on Facebook.
The solution
Instead of creating a new Facebook Page, you can rename your Facebook Page with the help of the suggest an edit feature on Facebook.
This feature also comes in handy because you can retain your Facebook vanity URL, keep your fans, and all of the content you have shared on your Facebook Page.
To use this feature, here are a few things to know when renaming your page.
Make sure the category of your Facebook Page is set to local business
Gather 15-20 of your friends or fans
Tell them what you want to rename your Facebook Page to
Have them enter it in the page name in the suggest an edit area on your Facebook Page
Seems simple, right?
Now that you’ve done the preliminary work, here are the instructions you need to use suggest an edit to rename a Facebook Page.
Note: Be sure you follow these exact instructions. Otherwise, it may not work for your page.
If you are concerned about changing the category on your page, you can always change that part back.
Suggest an edit on Facebook to rename a Facebook Page
If you have ever been in the situation where you were considering renaming your Facebook Page, it’s not always an easy decision to make. We have compiled three Facebook Page branding tips to help you decide when it’s time to rename your Facebook Page.
It’s hard to believe that Facebook has been around for nearly 10 years. Over time, it has evolved from being a place to socialize with friend and family to being a place you can conduct business. We have put together a list of 10 Facebook best practices that you can put into practice now on your Facebook Page.
Take a look at this comprehensive list of best practices and let me know which ones are new for you and which ones you currently use in your social media marketing efforts.
Do you need a way to collect reviews on your Facebook Page? Now you can with the Facebook Reviews Button.
What is the Facebook Reviews Button?
The reviews button is an upgrade to the Facebook Recommendations Box. It now gives businesses the ability to collect reviews from fans right from their Facebook Page.
To add the Facebook Reviews Button, follow these instructions.
Is it true that this adds the Facebook Reviews Button and Box to my Facebook Page?
Yes. You get the Facebook Reviews Button and the Facebook Reviews Box added to your Facebook Page.
Can I edit a review that I have posted on a Facebook Page?
Yes. Simply go to your review and click the X in the right corner and select edit.
Can I edit a review that someone posted on my Facebook Page?
No. You can only report a bad review that you receive.
Can I add the reviews button to my Facebook Group?
No. The Facebook Reviews Button can only be added to Facebook Pages.
Do I need a physical address to be able to add the reviews button/box?
Yes; however, if you don’t have one, you can get around this by setting your Facebook Page to a category that has a location. For example, local business.
Once you add an address, go back in and remove it. You should still have the Facebook Reviews Button.
I still have questions about the Facebook Reviews Button
If you are stuck adding the reviews button to your Facebook Page, feel free to contact me for help.
One of the missing features on Facebook was the ability to edit Facebook posts.
While sites like Google Plus have had the ability to edit posts when they first launched, Facebook is finally rolling out the ability to edit posts to pages and profiles.